First Class


  • Undecided about your Future…
  • Average GPA…
  • No Vision…
  • Lack Support…
  • Have a Dream… 

Effective May 2024, I will be teaching a Course for Adult High School (AHS) and High School Equivalent (HSE) Students.

Join us as our First Class Student!

This course is an introductory course to College Life and compliments the Academics!  The focus of this course is with personal growth and development.  It’s quite simple, you cannot have one, academics without the other personal growth.  So, this class connects the dots for greater success!

First Class is the first of its kind and actually compliments most school programs.  We aim to be a support and community resource for all high schools and colleges.  Our goal is to infuse, to motivate, and to empower students while prepping them for college life.  The transition is real!  The course is set!  The workload, well; it awaits each student.  It is important that students embrace their Big Deal from high school to college life…from leaning upon to standing upright…from dependence to independence…from striving to thriving…from learning to earning!  That’s A Big Deal!

Some would say, this course encourages students to run their race in Education…for Career Readiness…for a Bright Future…for Financial Success; but, an important piece to that picture is inclusive of personal growth!  Learn how you are wired~ Discover your gifts and talents~ Know your strengths and weaknesses~ Tap into your resources~ Get in the game!

One final thought!  Students who meet expectations through academics with personal growth find a healthier balance for success in college life.  For too long now, we have tried to separate key components that feed off “one on the other.”  We believe that Academics are on the back of personal growth and development!


Please fill out the form below before registering for this class!


Things you should know:
A. This course is for 11th and 12th and 1st Year College Students~
B. Classes are on line ONLY until further notice~
C. The Course runs for Four to Six weeks~
D. The class meets once a week for approximately two hours~
E. A student enrollment form is required~
F. One book is recommended for this course~ (Details to follow upon enrolling)
G. Students will be surveyed to ensure this course is in alignment with their goals~
H. Course Price is $150.00 as we provide a Shortcut to an Outcome!
I. Let’s Face It! Time is Money and Money is Time!
I. A Certificate of Completion will be awarded upon the completion of the course~

For more information please email 

or Call 757-696-2219.

Thank you!